Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals

This blog's purpose is to connect in an every widening and deepening manner with others across the globe in support of the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.

Let's be the first generation to end poverty by 2015 with the United Nations' Eight Goal Millennium Campaign.
1. End Hunger 2. Universal Education 3. Gender Equity 4. Child Health 5. Maternal Health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases 7. Environmental Sustainability 8. Global Partnership.

Learn more about what this weblog is trying to accomplish at the new PBworks Wiki.

What If - Millennium Development Goals Ending Poverty 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Take a Stand Against Poverty by Investing in Women to Save the World

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This year's actions taking a stand against poverty are also focusing on women's issues. According to the Stand Up and Take Action event on 16 taking place through 18 October 2009.

This year, Stand Up will once again provide an energetic, high impact platform for people to raise the profile of MDG- related issues relevant to their region, country or community. However, this year Stand Up will begin on October 16th, World Food Day, and on this one day the focus on food security and on hunger will be greater. As always, the policy demands will be determined at the national and local levels by participants. But in recognition of the fact that many of the MDGs directly linked to the status of women are not doing well, campaigners are encouraged to give this year’s Stand Up a clear focus on holding governments accountable for improving the status of women and their rights.

In honor of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17, CARE is encouraging us to stand in solidarity with poor and marginalized women around the world.

Two steps, first:


In July, a large bipartisan group of senators introduced the GROWTH (Global Resources and Opportunities for Women to Thrive) Act; if passed, it will revolutionize the way U.S. foreign aid is directed.

The GROWTH Act promotes the economic empowerment of women and proposes concrete steps that the United States can take to play a positive role in improving the lives of the world's poorest women and their families. In short, this bill will create a chance to lift up the 1 billion people in the world who live on less than a $1.25 a day.

Please join by sending a personalized messageto your own senators.

Step two, learn more by reading:

Half The Sky

"Half the Sky" shares poignant tales of women's struggles and triumphs in the face of poverty and discrimination. Through the compelling stories, the authors brilliantly illustrate the connections between women's empowerment and social and economic progress.

The work of Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn has been featured in the New York Times.

Investing in women to save the world

Half the work force of many developing nations is marginalized because of their gender, write Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Yet microfinance lenders and other nonprofits are hoping to change that by focusing their efforts on women, helping them start businesses and receive education that can transform their whole communities. The New York Times, (8/17)

Start a conversation with your book club, women's group, alumni chapter or family and friends about the challenges and opportunities women and girls face, or particpate in a blogging action with BloggersUnite with STAND UP and TAKE ACTION against Poverty and The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and take action together with CARE!

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