Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals

This blog's purpose is to connect in an every widening and deepening manner with others across the globe in support of the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.

Let's be the first generation to end poverty by 2015 with the United Nations' Eight Goal Millennium Campaign.
1. End Hunger 2. Universal Education 3. Gender Equity 4. Child Health 5. Maternal Health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases 7. Environmental Sustainability 8. Global Partnership.

Learn more about what this weblog is trying to accomplish at the new PBworks Wiki.

What If - Millennium Development Goals Ending Poverty 2015

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Girl Effect

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Drew Meyers is a blogger who provides Personal Insights on Web 2.0, Blogging, and Business for his readers. He also writes for whose mission is to:

Inspire the world's elite minority to actively empower the world's underprivileged majority. Through an online community, encourage information flow that promotes increased awareness and knowledge of microfinance as a poverty-fighting tool.

Dave provides a particular inspiring video The Girl Effect in both the blogs he writes for.

The video is via

The “Girl Effect” is the powerful social and economic change brought about when girls have the opportunity to participate in their society. Decades of research shows that when women have access to more resources, they put their money towards making sure their children have better nutrition, education and health care.

Believe In The Power of Positive Thinking

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Immense tasks, for which the Millennium Development Goals would qualify, take not only knowledge, understanding and commitment, they also require sustained inspiration. This month Sanaz Kazemi via DESIGN 21 Recent Activity wrote of the importance of being able to believe.

Before we can be successful at anything in life we must first BELIEVE that we can do it.
and points to the work of Remez Sasson on how to think positive.
The Power of Positive Thinking by Remez Sasson

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

Mallory King Grows A Non-Profit In Her Neighborhood

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Having governments meet their obligations under the Millennium Development Goals is only the start of the struggle. There is still going to be the need to implement those programs and that will not be done by bureaucrats. The design community, using that term in the most inclusive manner possible, will play a large role. One such design company that already participates at both the local and global levels is Design 21. Jennifer Bonhomme via DESIGN 21 Recent Activity provides an example of Growing A Non-Profit with Mallory King back on 7/21/08.

After 20 years of experience working as a nonprofit professional in youth development and arts education with organizations like the YMCA and the Big Sister Association, I was inspired to found Arts to Grow from the ground up. I witnessed the power of arts learning to change kids’ outlooks on life, to open doors to new experiences, to harness their creative power and get them excited about learning.

India Stand Up Speaks Out Against Poverty

Sphere: Related Content Stand up speak out - Asia originally via End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals by admin on 2/8/08

From India in 2007 - People Stand Up Speak Out against poverty

The People of the United States Stand Up Speak Out

Sphere: Related Content Stand up speak out - 2007 United States End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals by admin on 2/8/08

From last year's Stand Up Speak Out - Americans Stand Up against poverty

Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Sphere: Related Content Achieving the Millennium Development Goals originally via End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals by admin on 2/8/08

CONGDE: Spain and other rich countries break MDG promises

Sphere: Related Content CONGDE: Spain and other rich countries break MDG promises via End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals originally posted by admin on 4/8/08

Release of the official development assistance provisional figures in 2007 shows an alarming situation. Development assistance from OECD countries fell 8.4% this last year. In 2007, 103.655 millions of dollars were earmarked; although it could seem a similar quantity to the 104.421 from 2006, it's just equivalent to the inflate and exchange rate fixing 95.605 in constant terms in 2006.

These figures from 2007 show once again how rich countries do not commit to their promises of financing development in the poorest countries, and if they do not take urgent actions, the Millennium Development Goals will not be reached. Just five countries give 0.7% of their GNI (Gross National Income) to ODA- Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark and Holland.
From the 22 countries that belong to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), 9 have raised their assistance and 13 have fallen. Spain has raised its assistance 33.8%, which makes it the seventh world donor in absolute terms, and the ninth in effort rate terms, earmarking 0.41% GNI for ODA, although it is still far from the promised 0.7%.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

African campaigners unite in call for more action against poverty

Sphere: Related Content Highlights from African campaigners unite in call for more action against poverty via End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals originally by admin on 4/8/08

Representatives drawn from more than thirty countries debated various instruments for attaining good coordination in Africa and proceeded to nominate regional representatives who will serve on Africa's governing council, a new organ that replaces the old facilitation team. Some of the recommendations made directly touched on what should be done in order for this structure to effectively work with a secretariat that they identified as severely limited in its human-power base at the moment...

Some of the important moments Africa put on the table were Africa Union Summit in Egypt, Africa day, day of the African child and Stand Up campaign. On international opportunities presented by UNCTAD and the Aid Effectiveness meetings to be held in Ghana, it was emphasized that the GCAP interventions should consolidate initiatives and positions that were captured in the issues papers presented at meeting...

During the presentations on the regional activities covering East Africa, Southern Africa, West And Central Africa, it was not easy to identify specific policy demands that coalitions were seeking positive shifts from governments and international institutions. The predominant line was that all were seeking ways of making sure that Governments meet and exceed MDGS before 2015...

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals

Sphere: Related Content G8 action urged to avert six million mother and child deaths every year via End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals by admin on 4/21/08

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health has called on G8 leaders to fulfil their previous commitments to global health and commit to new, long-term financing for essential interventions that could avert the deaths of over 6 million mothers, newborns and children every year.

The statement calls for an additional $10.2 billion annually, the estimated cost to ensure universal coverage of basic services needed to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5 on reducing child death and improving maternal health by 2015, respectively.

"The world is expecting G8 leaders to show the way in confronting this health crisis faced by millions of mothers and children who do not have access to essential care" said Jeffrey Mecaskey, a representative of the Save the Children Alliance. "The Countdown report gives us all the information we need. We can achieve MDGs 4 and 5, it's simply a question of making the right political choices. "

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