Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals

This blog's purpose is to connect in an every widening and deepening manner with others across the globe in support of the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.

Let's be the first generation to end poverty by 2015 with the United Nations' Eight Goal Millennium Campaign.
1. End Hunger 2. Universal Education 3. Gender Equity 4. Child Health 5. Maternal Health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases 7. Environmental Sustainability 8. Global Partnership.

Learn more about what this weblog is trying to accomplish at the new PBworks Wiki.

What If - Millennium Development Goals Ending Poverty 2015

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Powering the MDGs through Partnerships

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On Tuesday, I wrote about Congress hearing testimony on Millennium Development Goals for the first time. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs heard testimony on the Millennium Development Goals from John McArthur, CEO, (pdf) Millennium Promise, Scott Ratzan, Vice President, Global Health, Government Affairs and Policy, Johnson & Johnson and Kathy Calvin, CEO, United Nations Foundation.

UN Foundation CEO Kathy Bushkin Calvin testified before Congress about how collaboration and partnerships are key to advancing the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 (Read the full testimony here (pdf)).

The UN Foundation Team reminds us that:

Just as no nation should go it alone in the international arena, no single player can achieve the MDGs. From bishops to basketball players, collaborations across government agencies, corporations, foundations and individuals are absolutely essential to eradicating extreme poverty and bringing the MDGs within reach.
The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight, will soon be considering legislation to rewrite the Foreign Assistance Act. "Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals: Progress Through Partnerships," is an essential means for creating smart, effectively-coordinated global poverty solutions – like those linked above.

The Millennium Development Goals can be achieved but only with pragmatic solutions backed by political will. There is no lack of do-able, pragmatic solutions, the problem is political will and unless the United States finds the moral fiber to take a leading role in this endeavor the world will fall further and further behind in keeping this promise.

Millennium Bloggers (more at the Wiki)

Global News Sources

The Other Blog - My Pathways to New Paradigms
